Agency for all aspects of digital life.

Fork Unstable Media GmbH logo
Juliusstrasse 25
22769 Hamburg
+49 40 432 948-0
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Fork Unstable Media GmbH

Brands, communication, processes, and services – while ‘digital’ might not be the answer to all questions, it definitely plays an essential role in solving current problems. Fork creates stunning, enriching, and sustainable experiences that win the hearts and minds of our audiences. Always starting at the intersection of design and technology, Fork engineers tailor-made systems that grow with their clients.

The agency manages large and international accounts, such as for Otto, Hilti or Merck, but also works on smaller experimental projects or for cultural institutions, such as the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt am Main. The agency implemented its first DXP platform on Ibexa technology for the Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg (Nuremberg Toy Fair).

Fork was founded in Hamburg in 1996 and has been part of the fischerAppelt Group since 2011. Roughly 80 employees work in interdisciplinary teams and are spread across the three locations in Hamburg, Cologne and Berlin. In addition to completely independent 'Fork projects', they usually team-up with other agencies or experts of the fischerAppelt Group for so-called 'integrated accounts'. Here, Fork often takes on a crucial role. This is because the agency is very proficient in working in complex and agile systems, in dealing with different interfaces, and in networked thinking.

Currently, the agency is musing about questions such as: What influence does machine learning have on brands and design systems? How can technological infrastructures be set up more sustainably? What about the “human factor” or “the kick” in digital monoculture?


Dominik Exposito

+49 40 432 948-0


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In a world all about delivering excellence in digital customer experiences, you can build new revenue opportunities, create memorable experiences and turn your clients into digital champions with Ibexa Digital Experience Platform (DXP).